Reg. Whopper Lava Aquarium |
Subcategory: Fish Tanks | Category: Housing |  | Type: Furniture | World: Dragonspyre | Interactive: No | Vendor: Balthazar Dragonthorn
Yuri Smokesnare | Vendor Location: Dragonspyre | May be Traded. | NO AUCTION! | Rank: Master Artisan | Station: Housing Crafting Station |
Cost: 5000 | Cooldown time: 03:00:00 |
QTY | Ingredient | You have | Dezzy has | Savvy has |
5 | Skeletal Pirate | N/A | N/A | N/A | 15 | Flawless Onyx | | 113 | 9 | 7 | Soul Searcher | N/A | N/A | N/A | 25 | Lava Lily | | 999 | 784 | 15 | Fire Blossom | | 482 | 266 |
| |